Saturday, March 19, 2016

Dozer 230 first steps

I have designed a new smaller (230mm) frame that is still compatible with 5 inch props. Less weight. But I can't use my multiwii 328p flightcontroller. This new multirotor frame is only compatible with 36mm flightcontrollers. I'll use a NanoWii FC on thuis build. Currently this quadcopter frame is CNC cut from 3mm thick G10 glass fiber material. Weight of bottom plate equales 78 grams.

I designed this frame myself you can download dxf file here: Dozer 230 bottom plate
Motor mount holes are compatible with most 18xx brushless motors (12mm - 16mm)

Dys 1806 motors, Hobbyking Bleuseries 12 ESC. 36mm basic power distribution board fixed to frame with some double sided tape.


  1. Very nice little Frame!
    Do you have a DXF for the top plate, too?

    Cheers Christian

    1. yes, I'll publish it on my next post
